Cover photo:
The 32. Home Guard batallion on the island of Gotland plans an exercise. For ten years the Home Guard has been the only Swedish military force defending the island of Gotland, controlling the Baltic Sea. Since a month ago there are also ordinary Swedish soldiers on the island, but only 150 of them.
Profits in care and school
Not to use profit as a guide for companies active in welfare and education is a waste of taxpayer’s money. Inefficient local governemnts and county councils would be able to contiunue waste of tax money if they were not compared with competitors run according to capitalist principles. Competitotrs must be allowed to operate at a profit in order to make them willing to invest. One of the major care companies, Humana (10,000 employees), says that it is possible to lower local government costs for care with between 10 and 20 per cent, with the same or better quality.
Diversity in species is not disappearing,
by C G Holm
In the previous issue of Contra we looked at GMOs as one way – maybe the only way – to feed a growing world population, that is expected to reach a peak in 2050 with 9 billion people. Of course the only realistic way to feed humanity is condemned by the politically correct, and the same groups talks about the catastrophe threatening earth when more and more species get extinct. But is this true? And what is the real development?
Latest example of greed and selfishness show us that capitalism is not an end in itself,
by Allan C. Brownfeld
Even if capitalism is a superior economic system several capitalists are trying to profit from the system in an unethical way.
Rearmament of Gotland,
by Tommy Hansson
I am personally convicted that we will have more of it. The present deployment of troops on Gotland island in the middle of the Baltic at least excludes a Crimea-like operation of the Russians, colonel Mattias Ardin states. He is in charge of the rearmament of Gotland.
Sweden is not able to defend its sovereignty,
from the report of Ambassador Krister Bringéus on the consequences of a Swedish membership of NATO
In the beginning of September Ambassador Krister Bringéus presented an official report on benefits and disadvantages of a Swedish NATO membership. The government had reluctantly approved of the study in negotiations with the opposition on the defence of Sweden, but the very morning of the day when Ambassador Bringéus report was to be published, the Foreign and Defence Secretaries of the government published a jointly written article in one of the leading Swedish dailies (Dagens Nyheter) distancing themselves from all thoughts on NATO membership.
Contra publishes the summary of the report: ”Sweden is depending on support from other nations if it shall be able to defend its sovereignty in a case of crisis”.
Politics in the Church of Sweden
The Church of Sweden is unique in the sense that it criticizes the only democracy in the Middle East. As far as the Church of Sweden promotes doubtful political views and refrain from speaking on the Christian faith it has failed with its mission. With its size of membership and its history the Church of Sweden is an important actor in the Swedish society. It is odd that the largest religious organization in Sweden has hard to support persecuted christian brethren.
A swedish culture is a prerequisite for integration,
by Tommy Hansson
Integration of people coming to Sweden presupposes that there is a Swedish culture to integrate into. Some claim that there is no such culture, supporting multiculture (in the odd claim that there is no Swedish culture, only foreign cultures)
Kjell Albin Abrahamson RIP
Contra columnist Kjell Albin Abrahamson died during a visit to Gdynia in Poland. He was 71 years and for many years before joining Contra he was the correspondent of Swedish Broadcasting Corporation in Moscow and Warsaw. He wrote a number of important books. His latest being a book on ”communism, cryptocommunism and anticommunism”. It dealt with the inability of Swedish politicians and journalists to finalize their settlement with communism, in the same way as they have handled nazism.
Lethal wind power thriving on generous subsidies,
by C G Holm
In spite of gigantic subsidies wind power is unprofitable. And it turns out still worse if you consider accidents caused by wind power.
In Russia the people has been manipulated, but in the Kemlin fear remains,
by Frank Gordons
The political roundabout increases its speed in Moscow, but the final power is with one single person.