Why the Soviet Union didn’t survive
by Gunnar Palm
”The Ghost” that threatened Europe collapsed and died in 1990. At that time the sickness was obvious since a long time. But only a few doctors were able to put a correct diagnosis early. Historians say that every generation has to rewrite world history. The idea behind that statement is that new events put new light on history, which affects choice of and interpretation of sources. Gunnar Palm explains why so few were able to understand the Soviet collapse in advance.
A jewish fate in nazi Europe
by Isabella Hansson
Our second article on national socialism, in connection with the 70th anniversary of Adolf Hitler’s usurpation of power, is dealing with the fate of Anne Frank. The evil of national socialism is seen in the short life history of the young jewish girl.
Religion, politics and nationalism
by Allan C. Brownfeld
Conflicts that seem impossible to solve, like between India and Pakistan, Israel and the Palestinians, Croats, Serbs and Bosniaks, all involve aspects of religion and nationalism. When religion turns into a government affair – irrespective of what government and what religion – religion is turned into an instrument of government power instead of a vehicle for moral values. Religion turns into an instrument of the government, irrespective of the moral value in government policies.
Anna Lindh a victim of the socialist society
by Tommy Hansson
The late foreign secretary of Sweden, Anna Lindh, was stabbed to death in an exclusive department store in Stockholm. Like many other top politicans of today she had never had a non-political employment, starting her career as chairman of the Young Socialists and later member of parliament and minister. She was one of Olof Palme’s ”boys and girls” (Prime Minister Olof Palme also was assasinated in downtown Stockholm, in 1986). Palme was a model for young Anna, as was revolutionary Ernesto ”Che” Guevara, a poster of whom was in her room when she was young. Anna Lindh died as a victim of socialist helath policy, a psychopath that never was put into custody in a mental institution, because of socialist health ideology, stabbed her to death.
Rebel Ture Nerman
The author and politician Ture Nerman was one of the most well-known political activists in his time. For very long he was a ”red hero”. When Lenin passed Stockholm on his journey from Switzerland to Petrograd and the Revolution in 1917, the young Communist Ture Nerman was one of those who took care of him in Stockholm. Today Ture Nerman is best known as the editor of ”Trots Allt”, the paper that always caused furour at the German Embassy during World War II. During his later years Ture Nerman turned into a staunch anti-communist, a warm friend of the United States and an advocate of Swedish membership in NATO.
Svante Hjertstrand and Ture Nerman became friends in Nya Tisdagklubben
Svante Hjertstrand, for many years editor of ”Argument” (the Contra of the 1960s) and member of Nya Tisdagsklubben was one of Ture Nermans friends in the 1960s:
–Ture Nerman was one in the circle surrounding ”Argument”, and he always was interested in the articles published. He had many good ideas. Most important for him was firendship with the United States and the security that was offered through good relations with the US.
In the palace of the Czar
by Tommy Hansson
Livadija Palace in the ouskirts of Yalta on the Krimean peninsula is known for two things: it was the summer residence of the Russian Czar and it was the meeting place for the winning parties in World War II, during the famous Yalta Conference in February 1945. The Palace today is a tourist sight, visited recently by Contra editor Tommy Hansson.
East German murder squad succesful in Stockholm; killing closed as accident by Stockholm Police
by C G Holm
November 19 1984 TV journalist Cats Falk and her friend Lena Gräns disappeared. They had visited a Restaurant in Stockholm and left it at 9.30 p. m. in the white Reanult of Ms Gräns.
More than six months later the car was found deep in the mud in a Stockholm harbour. And the two ladies were in the car, strapped in their seat belts. A drug addict had seen the car being pushed into the harbour, and later told the police. That was why it could be retrieved in the mud. The Stockholm Police later closed the case as an accident. In spite of the fact that TV journalist Cat Falk had stated that she had hot stuff, going to crown her career as journalist shortly. Documents found at her office and in her flat show that her research concerned arms smuggling, Sedish defense company Bofors, East Germany and Iran.
A few months ago, in 2003, a German Stasi officer was arrested in Berlin. He was a member of a East German murder squad and the two young Swedish women were two of its victims.
Swedish Secret Sevice protected Iranian murder squad
by Ardavan Khoshnood
In 1979 Iran was hit by revolution. The Shah had to leave the country in order to avoid a bloodbath and a few weeks later ayatollah Khomieni was in charge and the Islamic Republic was formed. Hundreds of thousands of Iranians were executed and millions were exiled. The Islamic Republic had murder squads active in countries with many Iranian refugees, like Sweden, during the 1990s. Swedish Secret Service (SÄPO) protected the murder squad, when Iranian activist Karim Mohammadzadeh was assassinated in the town of Nynäshamn and the case was investigated by local police. The SÄPO operations made it impossible for the local police authorities to solve the crime and the murderers, employed by the Islamic Republic, were able to leave the country.