Leader: No to islamic pressure

C G Holm: Draining of swamps (wetlands). Sweden is the country in Europe with the highest percentage of wetlands (a fifth of the total area). Since medieval times Swedes have with the use of manual labour tried to reduce the wetlands to get arable farmland. Especially active were the years 1867–1869 during the big famine, which never came back, thanks to extensive drainining. The article contains information on the enemy number one of wetlands, Nils Gabriel Djurklou.

Dan Ahlmark: Democratic or auhoritarian collectivism. Collectivism means suppression of the individal and his views.

Janis Vikmanis: Illegal printshop in Soviet Latvia. During Soviet times there was an illegal printshop in the small town of Ligatne in Latvia. Janis Vikmanis, who worked there himself, tells about the printshop.

Géza Molnár: Global warming. There is no big reason to be worried about ”global warming”. There are far more reasons to be worried about political activities to curb ”global warming”, a trend that is mostly favourable for mankind.

Filip Björner: Do we dare to participate in a rally for the freedom of expression? Burning of the Quran has turned into a fad in Sweden. Some want to ban burning of the Quran, and thus submitting to moslem dictatorships.

When cirme turns into an acceptable alternative. Sweden has during several years invested large sums in preventing crime. But the results are meagre. There is a need for a new thinking accpording to law professor Per-Olof Wikström (universities of Cambridge and Malmö) with 45 years of experience in crime prevention. He has written a report on crime prevention on behalf of the Stockholm Chamber of Commerce.