Chairman of Young Social Democrats turned into nazi leader
by C G Holm
Sometimes it is claimed that nazis have never been elected members of the Swedish Riksdag (parliament), that the nazis didn’t get enough votes. That is however not true. The lie is told, because if the truth was known, the close links between national socialism and the Swedish Communist Party (at present “Left Party”) and the direct links of that party to the Soviet Union AND Nazi Germany would be revealed. The leaders of one of the fractions of the Communist (later Socialist) Party were convicted by court for having received financial support from Germany during World War II. Several leaders were sentenced to prison. Party chairman Nils Flyg had started his political career as a Young Socialist and was the national chairman of Young Social Democrats in 1920. His Socialist Party (nazis) was represented in the Swedish Riksdag until the end of 1940.
Those who ruined Sweden:
Gustav from Skå – Chief Engineer of “Social Security Sweden”
by Tommy Hansson
When “Gustav from Skå” Jonsson in his autobiography in 1985 mentioned people that had been of importance to him he chose Gunnar Inghe, John Takman and Ernst Bárány, all members of the Communist student organization Clarté in the 1930s. Those were the people that had taught Dr Jonsson the foundations of psychoanalysis and marxism. Dr Jonsson was one of those that gave marxism a face and he contributed to the foundation of “Social Security Sweden” and its ideals of social engineering.
Free Speech threatened at US universities
by Allan C. Brownfeld
Many leading US universities are limiting free speech and few Americans seem to be aware of this threat to Academic Freedom.
A choice of life or death
by C G Holm
Social Welfare from the cradle to the grave? Yes but the grave might turn up earlier than you anticipated. This time we tell the story of when Doctors at the regional government owned hospital Kärnsjukhuset in Skövde Sweden decided to turn off the dialysis of kidney patient Åke, an otherwise healthy elderly man. Åke died within ten days.
Heoes of the Cold War:
Reform Baptist Georgij Vins and his fight for believers
by Tommy Hansson
Why were believers oppressed in Communist countries? The obvious answer to this is the wish of the Communist ideology to eliminate believers, who are seen as obstacles to the final victory of socialism. One of the most well-known religious prisoners in the former Soviet Union was baptist pastor Gergij Vins.
The Beatles and anti-communism in “Revolution”
British pop group The Beatles from Liverpool might not be well-known thanks to anti-revolutionary zeal, but the fact is that “Revolution” – produced in the “revolutionary year” 1968 – has very anti-communist lyrics, well adapted to the public discussion at that time.
Shoot the King!
Tommie Ullman interviews Contra publisher Tommy Hansson on his new book, a novel on what might have happened at the Stockholm Olympics in 1912. Shoot the King! is Mr Hansson’s seventh book.
Mr Hansson states:
-I have always been interested in crime stories and thrillers. With my new book, Shoot the King! I want to elaborate of the evil background of all the different revolutionary concepts that were circulating at the time around the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. The story is based on the true character of anarchist student Axel Larsson, who however in my fictional novel is paid by reactionary Russian monarchists to kill King Gustaf V of Sweden. Larsson was a friend of Hjalmar Wång, another anarchist student who actually killed Swedish general O.L. Beckman in Stockholm in a failed attempt at the life of tsar Nikolai II of Russia during his state visit to Sweden in 1909.