Jag gör ett religion slutarbete om barnarbete och unrar hur islam ser på barnarbete. Tycker de att det är rätt eller hur är det?
Matilda Hofström, Grankulla (Finland) (6 april 2021)
Vad gäller Muhammed själv så får man ju utgå från att han var aktiv under 600-talet med helt andra normer än vad vi är vana vid idag.
Abu Talib Mohammad Monawer vid University of Malaya och Dewan Mahboob Hossain vid University of Dacca har skrivit en rapport där de drar slutsatsen att barnarbete är acceptabelt i islam:
The issue of child labour got immense importance from the people around the world. Many researchers have highlighted the negative effects of hazardous child labour. However, it is also true that child labour is a common phenomenon in the developing as well as underdeveloped countries where poor families send their children to work for the economic sustenance. This article is an attempt to understand whether child labour is acceptable in the eyes of a religion – Islam. This conceptual paper makes an attempt to find solution of this ethical dilemma by analysing Islamic teachings derived from the Qur’an, the Sunnah, the comments of the Islamic scholars, and several historical evidences such as the case of the Prophet’s young companion-Anas and the case of fetus in uterus of Ghamidiyyah-the adulteress women. From the context of the economic conditions of citizens from poor Islamic countries, the issue of child labour arises as an ethical dilemma. This paper makes an attempt to provide a solution in the light of Islamic teachings. The paper concludes that Islam allows child labour that is not hazardous and unethical.
En annan källa på nätet säger:
Allah says in Quran:
So, from this Quranic Verse, we get to know that, to compel the children to work in hazardous sectors, like, chemical industries, agricultural sectors or mining sectors is against the rules of Islamic teachings. Because doing in these sectors, is harmful for the mental and physical development of children.
Eller i klartext barnarbete är OK, utom i vissa farliga sysselsättningar.
Vad som kan noteras är att barn gärna engageras i terrordåd, som självmordsbombare etc, men det är kanske inte vad man räknar med som ”barnarbete”.