Leader: What happen to men, when women take over?
Society is rapidly changing. Girls perform better in primary an secondary schools. Women constitute the majority of students at universities. Time has come to look at imbalances that will evolve when in the future women replace men in more sectors of society.
The woman in society,
by C G Holm
It is time to look out against the feminist offensive. In many respects there is already an imbalance in society, to the favour of women. It is nothing to complain about if one gender is overrepresented in certain parts of society. Men and women are different! But there are reasons to react when women are given more privileges because they are women, in areas where women already are privileged.
The background of the
Michael Brown shooting
”Unarmed black teenager shot” were the headlines. Demonstrations and riots protesting against the policeman Derek Wilson and the fact that he was not prosecuted. Media in Sweden has not at all given the other view of the picture. Contra looks at the Derek Wilson side, in order to contribute to a fair and balanced view.
Hizb ut-Tharir, Khorasan and the Islamic State, by Filip Björner
Hizb ut-Tahrir is an organization that recently has emerged in Sweden. It has been accused of having links to the Islamic State. Contra look closer to these links and why some claim that they do not exist.
Ayatollah Khomeini
by Tommy Hansson
Seyyed Ruhollah Mostafavi Mousavi Khomeini was helped to power by Jimmy Carter 35 years ago. 25 years ago the ayatollah, the father of islamic terrorism, died. It was by chance that the rather unknown ayatollah turned into not only the spiritual but also the political leader of Iran. This year it is 35 years since the Iranian revolution shook the world.
Measures against homelessness
Social authorities take a lot of measures to fight homelessness. Those that remain homeless after the measures taken by public welfare systems are usually mentally ill or addicts. Private welfare organizations are the last resort, often with local government support. But a lot of different models are tried, some more succesful than others. Contra looks at the problem.
The heritage from 1968,
by Bertil Häggman
The Ax:son Johnson Foundation funds a poject for a critical study of the ”movement of 1968”. Some papers have been published, but a final anthology is planned for publication in 2016. Contributions to this anthology are supposed to circulate in advance in the academia. We will see a lot of controversial debates, but should remember that the generation of 1968 is in the process of retiring. Its influence will get much smaller.
The strategy of Vladmir Putin,
by Roger Klang
Much speaks for that Vladimir Putin started planning the war against Ukraine and the annexation of Crimea already in the beginning of the century. What will be his nextstep? He has stated that Russia should defend the interests of Russians outside Russia. What to expect for Sweden’s neighbours Estonia (25 per cent Russians) and Latvia (26 per cent Russians). And what are the plans of Putin for the Swedish Baltic island of Gotland? No Russians there, but a new harbour in Slite, built by the Russians and a strategic location in the middle of the Baltic, where the Russians are confined to the innermost part of the Gulf of Finland and the enclave Kaliningrad.
FATCA – an intrusion into Swedish sovereignty, by Sven Enberg
The United States is introducing the Big Brother in the banking sector, the system is called FATCA. The demands from the United States include that the entire world in some respects are forced to become ”states”, without any influence over decisions in Washington. The Swedish Tax Authority turns into a subcontractor of the IRS! Even for hunting Swedish citizens!
The future of Georgia,
by Nils Tore Gjerde
Over 30,000 people marched in Georgian capital Tbilisi November 15, protesting against Russian poltics against Ukraine and the continued Russian opccupation of South Ossetia and Abchasia, two areas internationally recognized as parts of Georgia, but by Russia recognized as ”independent states”. The direct cause of the rally was a proposal of an agreement between Russia and Abchasia on closer cooperation and integration, something that Georgians see as a sneaking annexation of the territories.