Sex policies instead of economy, defence and government?
by Britt-Louise Karlsson
Sex policies seem to be the favourite in this year’s election campaign. Political key issues like economy, defence and government are pushed back as feminism, gay rights, HBTQ and environment are put in front. Already in the 1960s social movements like feminism and environmentalism could be noted. The reason was the development of the post-industrial society. In Sweden this is seen in the form of post-industrialist parties like the Greens and the Feminists. Considering the very left-oriented policies of these groups it is not surprising that they meet the old Left Party (Communists) as a collaborator in the political arena.
Sweden’s most dangerous parliamentary party, by C G Holm
When the internet version of Contra this spring asked which party was most dangerous for the Swedish society, the number one answer (47 per cent) was the Feminists (not represented in parliament, but with a single seat won in this year’s election to the European parliament). But the Greens were number two (at 44 per cent). Considering the possibilities for a real influence on legislation Contra concludes that the Greens are the party we should be most aware of as a danger to society.
The gorgon from the South, by C G Holm
Gudrun Schyman started with politics as member of the Union for Marxist Leninist Struggle. Later she was elected chairman of the Left (Communists) but kicked out for tax dodging. In the election of 2010 her Feminist party got 0.40 per cent of the votes. But today media look at the party as a favourite. One of the more well-known statements of Ms Schyman was when she claimed that Swedish men were not the least better than Afghan talibans, if you looked at their treatment of women!
The dinosaur from the North, by C G Holm
The Left (Communists) are still alive and kicking. The party was founded in 1917 (reorganized in 1921) in order to achieve a communist revolution in Sweden. In the beginning it was only a section of the Russian Communist Party. But links to the dictators were warm until the celebration of the 40th anniversary of East Germany as a state in October 1989. Only a month before the fall of the Berlin Wall. But the Left continued as a party after the fall of Communism, in spite of subsidies from the Soviet Union and East Germany drying up.
Aim at Sweden, Soviet plans for a Soviet-Swedish war, by Tommy Hansson
The Soviet Union showed a keen interest in Sweden during the entire Cold War. Intelligence operations were very active and several violations of Swedish territory was made by Soviet subs. Vera Efron, born in the Soviet Union, now active as a publisher in Sweden, has written a book called ”Aim at Sweden”. The book reminds us that Russian interest in Sweden has not declined very much for the past twenty years.
When will the green bubble burst?,
by Géza Molnár
The world has been hit by two financial crises since the turn of the century. The IT bubble of 2000 and the American housing mortgage crisis of 2007. The bankerPer Wimmer claims that there are many parallells betwen those two crises and the ”green bubble” now created by the heavily subsidized investements with high equity leverage in wind and solar power.
The history of deported peoples,
by Roald Volmer
Deportations has been part of Russian history for centuries. Swedes living on Dagö island in the Baltic (Hiumaa in Estonian) were deported to Ukraine and founded Gammalsvenskby (Old Swedish Village already in the 18th century; the village still exists with a few people still speaking a very archaic Swedish). Cherchessians were forced to sign documents of surrender in Krasnaya Polyana in 1864, the place where ski events in the 2014 Winter Olympics took place. Our neighbours on the other side of the Baltic (Estonians, Latvians and Lithuanians) were deported to Siberia in large numbers in 1941.
Why so quiet about the sources of Svenska Dagbladet?,
by Bertil Wedin
This spring the major Swedish daily Svenska Dagbladet published a series of articles on the murder of Swedish Prime Minister Olof Palme (in 1986). ”New” and ”sensational” was that Svenska Dagbladet had found a memo written by Swedish leftist crime author Stieg Larsson. A memo sent to the Palme investigation. But the contents of the memo was already well-known to the public. Contra Middle East correspondent Bertil Wedin was mentioned in the memo, and a picture of him topped the first page in Svenska Dagbladet. Wedin writes himself about the event.
Unexplained wage differences between women and men are only five per cent – and rapidly declining
by Filip Björner
This year’s election campaign has been concentrated to feminism. Some claim that women earn 30 per cent less than men, and that the decrease of the difference is so slow, that it will take decades to level out the differences. Don’t believe them! Contra looks, as usual, at facts and will help the readers to understand why feminist claims are fake.