The Wild Left (former Communist Party)
–murder at the Custodian Home
by Karl-Göran Bottwyk
A 24 year old deputy member of the town council in Svenljunga in Western Sweden has publicly disclosed his interest in Satanism and mass murder. He himself committed a double murder, but failed to achieve the status of serial murderer (at least three fatal victims according to his own web-site) as the third victim, a 15-year old girl, survived. But he succeeded in killing a 33 year old mother of two, Susanne Packendorff, who worked at the same custodian home as the murderer himself. He also killed a 16-year old girl, who was an inmate/patient at the home, and severely wounded the 15-year old girl, who also was an inmate/patient.
The murder has been widely followed by the Swedish press, but none has disclosed the fact that the murderer was an active member of the (former) Communist Party and a deputy member of the town council (as was his mother). The murderer has advocated a ban on all religion, a ban for minors reading the Bible and instead recommended reading of the ”Satanist Bible”.
”Tintin in Soviet” attacking Communism
In 2004 75 years has passed since the first publication of the comic on the young journalist Tintin. The author was the 22-year old Belgian Georges Remi, who used the signature Hergé. The story, ”Tintin in Soviet”, is a sharp criticism of the Soviet Union and the dictatorship established twelve years earlier by Lenin and Trotsky. It is claimed that Hergé was influenced by the book ”Moscow Without Mask”, written by the former Belgian consul in Rostov at Don, Joseph Douillet.
Environmentalist myths threatening poor countries
by Tommy Hansson
As reader’s of Contra already should have noted, the environmentalist movement is living on myths. These myths are formed to create fear and anxiousness among the population – fear and anxoiusness for the doom or damage of Earth by environmental toxins, industrial pollution or genetically engineered food. The truth is different.
The Norwegian Left and German Stasi
by Bertil Häggman
In this issue the continuation of Bertil Häggman’s article on the East German Stasi operations in Denmark is combined with an article of Stasi operations in Norway.
Heroes of the Cold War:
Robert Conquest explaining the terror of Stalinism
Few books have been of greater significance for the success in the Cold War than Robert Conquest’s ”The Great Terror”, a detailed account of Stalinist tyranny in the Soviet Union. The author has continued to write interesting books on the theory and practice of Communism. And today the beginning of the career of Mr Conquest as a poet is almost forgotten.
Sterilization in Sweden
by Birger Hjelm
The Committee on Financial Compensation for Sterilization has been dissolved in the autumn of 2003. But will this mean that the discussion is concluded?
In the year 1934 a large parliamentary majority approved Social Democratic proposals of sterilizations of ”unworthy people” (a few conservatives, most notably former Prime Minister and father of a UN Secretary General, Hjalmar Hammarskiöld, was an eloquent opponent of the program). From the adoption of the law until the abolition in 1976, 63,000 people were sterilized, which relative to the population gives Sweden a second position after Nazi Germany (a second article on the process behind the bill and its approval will be published in the next issue of Contra).