The Cold War and the theory of being tarred with the same brush
by Bertil Häggman
Professor Alf W. Johansson, one of the members of the Public Committee to Investigate the Swedish Secret Security and Intelligence Services is a rock-solid social democrat and professor at the Södertörn University. In the report of the committee professor Johansson tries to prove that communism was not, in fact, a severe threat against the West. The Western image of the Cold War as a struggle between freedom and totalitarianism is explained as a creation of the imagination. The true objective of communism was, according to Johansson, to create a world of freedom and equality! Contra’s contributing editor Bertil Häggman reveals the disgustingly low quality of the work of professor Johansson.
Red threats against Sweden
by Tommy Hansson
After the end of World War II in 1945 a new front between the superpowers emerged. For Sweden only one threat was for real – the threat from the communist Soviet Union, located on the other side of the Baltic Sea.
Two books published in 2002 discusses this: The Red Threat by Ann-Marie Ekengren and Henric Oscarsson (Nordic Academic Press, 231 pp) and The Military Preparedness of Gotland during the Cold War by Bengt Hammarhjelm (Gotland Military Command, 200 pp). The first book is discussing Swedish security and intelligence, the latter – as the title says- military preparedness. Contra editor-in-chief Tommy Hansson has read both books and concludes that the red threat was for real.
The Swedish Attorney general in 1973 signed an illegal document, ordering surveillance of people just beacuse they were opposing the sitting government – the surveillance continued for twentyfive years
by C G Holm
Contra editor C G Holm have read the report of the Public Committee to Investigate the Swedish Secret Security and Intelligence Services and find that now there is proof of the fact that the government April 27 1973 ordered illegal surveillance of political opponents – including Contra predecessor Democratic Alliance. The Attorney General Lennart Geijer himself signed the order, which was carried out for twentyfive years, and very likely included surveillance of the author of the article.
Arvid Fredborg – conservative anti-nazi activist
by Tommy Hansson
Arvid Fredborg (1915–1996) was one of the first more well-known Swedish intellectuals that saw through the facade of national socialism. His first important contribution was the book “Behind the Wall of Steel” published in the autumn of 1943, at a time when German troops surrounded Sweden, all neighbouring countries being occupied by Germany. Five years later Fredborg published a similarily harsh criticism of national communism. Fredborg was the Berlin correspondent of the Swedish national daily Svenska Dagbladet 1941-1943 and in 1944 he founded “Obs”, a policial magazine that was one of the predecessors of Contra.
al-Qaida has turned more flexible
by Allan C. Brownfeld
The massacre on an Indonesian night club on ther island of Bali (in which six Swedes – five of them girls between 20 and 25 – died), was the act of al-Qaida and their local henchmen. The massacre shows that the war on terrorism is not ended. Authorities and public should see this war as a very long-term affair.
Swedish agents in Estonia during the Cold War
A thriller called ”Ramona” was run on Swedish national television in the beginning of this year. The story was based on the fact that agents of Baltic (Estonian and Latvian) origin were shipped from Sweden to the Baltic countries in the late 1940s in order to gather infomation on thhe Soviet military forces and their preparations for a possible attack against Sweden. Contra tells the true background of the “Bureau T” and its head Thede Palm and the Estonian refugees that were sent across the Baltic, of which many were killed by the Russians.